Friday 26 June 2009

Juice Feast - Day 3 - Breaking the Juice Feast

I woke up on day 3 again feeling fine. I made three bottles of juice; 1# bananas, water, honey, ginger. 2# watermelon and honeydew melon. 3# Chinese pears, green leaves, ginger, lemon. I felt very irritable this morning, but that could be hormonal as I'm due to start menstruating next week.

The first juice was a good choice for breakfast, as the bananas and glucose will give me an energy boost and I can burn them off throughout the morning. I went down to the harbour to buy a ticket to Korea and didn't take any juice supplies with me, so needed something that would keep me satisfied for a few hours, backed up with lots of water. I got hungry again pretty soon, and with a whole party schedule ahead of me this weekend, I decided to break the juice feast. This has to be done gradually, so I started off by drinking a pulpy juice, then eating a whole raw carrot. Later on, at the beach, I had some naan bread from the Xinjiang BBQ stand.

Tonight there's a Mexican all-you-can-eat networking buffet at the Swisshotel, free of charge! It'll be the last time I can attend, can see the decision was made for me. Over the weekend various friends are holding leaving and birthday celebrations, which won't be any fun if I have to carry around juice bottles and can't join in with the tasty food. This mini-juice feast was an interesting experience, one which I'll probably try again in the future. At the very least, over the last 2.5 days I've taken in a huge amount of fruit and veg - which certainly can't be bad.

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