Wednesday 24 June 2009

Juice Feast - Day 1

I woke up at 4.30AM feeling very energetic and lively in anticipation of the first juice feast day.
A morning walk round Labour Park kick-started me for the day ahead, watching the usual fan dancers, joggers and tai chi enthusiasts. I bought a large amount of mixed produce from the street vendors and headed home to juice it up. Before starting with the juice, I made a bottle of 'Master Cleanser' which is hot water with honey, pepper (I substituted cayenne for black) and lemon juice. Drinking this will start the flushing out process, getting a head start on those tasty buckwheat noodles I ate last night at the Japanese place. Then I checked out the fridge and yesterday's stored juices. The carrot one looked and smelt pretty bad, but the watermelon one seemed ok, so I drank about half of that. Then it was time to make some new juice. This morning's breakfast recipe was: 3 Chinese pears, 1 apple, ginger and celery. After blending it together I was left with the usual pulpy mass. The juice feasting websites often mentioned using a 'nut milk bag' to strain out the pulp. I tried straining pulp through a tea towel, which surprisingly worked perfectly (although messy). I was left with a lovely bowlful of clear juice. This one tasted deliciously refreshing and went down smoothly. I feel really good now, and am going to spend at least two hours today lying on the beach listening to podcasts and working on my tan. Life in China does have occasional moments of luxury.

In the afternoon things weren't quite so rosy. I had a sunburn for starters. Then I made my first veggie juice for lunch (carrots, green leaves, ginger, celery) but it smelt foul. I even added some watermelon in an attempt to improve matters, but it didn't work and now this juice is sitting in the fridge while I'm still building up the courage to drink it. I met a friend at Starbucks and by this point was craving FOOD, any food at all as long as it was solid. Even grease-ridden Chinese dishes were immensely appealing. I temporarily suppressed the cravings with a cup of herbal tea. When I got home, four bananas with honey soon fixed the problem. Now my stomach feels peaceful and relaxed, like it's in hibernation. It's a very comfortable feeling which I hope will last. I'm going to meet friends and go to a massage place now. I need to be distracted from possible thoughts of food. Tomorrow should be interesting, as many experienced juice feasters report that the second day is the most uncomfortable because the body starts pushing out all the toxins, which may cause some side-effects like headaches or nausea. I really hope I'll have enough energy for an early morning tennis game.
I'll see what happens tomorrow, and post another update.

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