Thursday 25 June 2009

Juice Feast - Day 2

So far it's only day 2 and I've already been struggling to maintain my discipline.

I woke up at 7am and drank some juice from yesterday (watermelon, banana, ginger, mango, kiwi). I didn't notice any change in sleep patterns, nor any strange dreams. I had plenty of energy for a morning game of tennis, but the 35 degree heat, not the juice feast, soon sapped it. Yesterday's sunburn didn't help either. I have been drinking a lot of water because of the heat but also to keep my stomach feeling full. Quite often I think I'm hungry when actually I'm just thirsty, also want to avoid possible dehydration in this heat.

Around lunchtime I was out shopping when hunger pangs suddenly struck. I had to buy juice on the street, so they may have added sugar syrup to it. I had two glasses; one honeydew melon, the other watermelon. Throughout the day it got increasingly harder to control my food cravings and even the nastiest stuff began to look appealing. I felt like grabbing Portia's Big Mac out of her hand and gobbling it down.

Now it's 5pm and I've just beaten back more hunger pangs with three juiced bananas with honey. I already had a mix of Chinese pears and green leaves, so that was my first green juice! It was quite palatable thanks to the sweet pears. I also made one with carrots, mango and orange, which I stored up for later use. It smelt pretty good and should be palatable, maybe even tasty.

So far, I haven't experienced any notable side effects. I had sudden diarrhoea this afternoon, but more in the sense of things being cleared straight out, no stomach pains etc. I've been feeling a little irritable, but that's probably more due to the heat and the food cravings.

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