Monday 9 March 2009

Once upon a time...there was an SAP Project Manager

Once upon a time, in a land far far away...a young girl was offered a job. The job was difficult and challenging, but also interesting. The girl was inexperienced and unqualified for this job. But the men that hired her were not concerned about these small factors. They, one in particular, were simply concerned with escaping from that land far away and going home to the fatherland. So they handed her the job on a silver platter. The girl was very excited about the new challenge she faced, her attitude was positive and she was determined to do well. However, her lack of experience did not stand her in good stead. The man who was her superior was rather a strange fellow. He did not like to talk much and he was always busy. He seemed to disapprove of the girl right from the start, rarely offering her anything but criticism. He had an unusual habit of humming to himself when she tried to ask him questions. The girl strived to do her best, but she never seemed able to meet the mysterious expectations of her enigmatic superior. Another man, an outsider, was kind to the girl and did his best to advise and support her. But it was not enough. Two months after she started, when the trial period ended, the girl was out. The girl was quite surprised and rather disappointed, because she had been working hard as best she knew how, using her initiative and trying to cope with such a distinct lack of guidance. She liked her colleagues and her working environment, also she found the daily work interesting and motivating. The girl was sad to leave, but, being an imaginative and strong-minded person, accepted the situation and immediately set to work on plan B. She viewed the short-lived time at this job as a valuable learning experience, proof that taking a risk is still worth doing even if it doesn't work out. What is life without the excitement of challenging ourselves?

1 comment:

  1. Haha, well I wish I had a story like that, of a similar nature, except featuring a boy, and a high salary
