Monday 23 March 2009

Foul Moods and Temperaments

Boooom! In China, my moods are on a roller-coaster. A big old rickety made-in-China roller-coaster, which the slightest tremor can set off rolling in the wrong direction - generally downhill. These days the moods seem to have gotten worse, maybe a signal that it's time to leave this place for pastures new. Things that are guaranteed to piss me off include any combination of the following: Chinese drivers' selfish and blatant disregard for other road users, people spitting, smoking in any enclosed space, hearing the word 'laowai', shop assistants who will NOT leave me alone, queue-jumping and barging, seeing herds of LBH everywhere, locals staring, people indicating numbers by holding up their fingers, incessant gusts of strong wind, counter-intuitive elevators, and finally, travelling on the light rail between Dalian and Kaifaqu. Do I sound seriously moody and bitchy today? That's because I AM. Grrrr!

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