Wednesday 11 March 2009

"How to Avoid Flirting" - some advice from

Maybe there's someone you know likes you, and you don't want to give the wrong impression that the feeling's mutual. Or maybe you're in a relationship and don't want it to look like you're thinking of cheating. For whatever reason, sometimes you'll need to avoid flirtatious behavior -- here's how to do it.

Difficulty: Moderately Easy

Step 1: Share your problems with this person, moan, and sulk about things. When you flirt, you are supposed to be positive and smile.
Step 2: If this person starts to flirt, block it. Ignore him or her, or just give back no signals.
Step 3: Don't look the person in the eye. Concentrate on something else while you talk to him or her, and if you do look at the person, don't hold the gaze, but don't look nervous or scared either.
Step 4: Motion a friend to come over. If a friend senses your discomfort, they'll often intervene.
Step 5: Leave. Politely tell them that you have somewhere else to get to or someone else you need to talk to.
Step 6: Talk about how great your significant other is.

By anastasiastarz from

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